100 lbs for $100

When we received our CSA newsletter two weeks ago, David got all excited by the following Mountain View Farm offer to their current share-holders:

100 pounds for 100 bucks...
The share will consist of approximately:
25 pounds of Carrots
25 pounds of Sweet Potatoes
25 pounds of Assorted Roots including:
parsnips, rutabagas, radishes, beets, celeriac
10 pounds of Butternut squash
10 pounds of Onions
5 stalks Brussels Sprouts
A dozen Heads of garlic
and maybe more!

Cool right? We thought so...or, at least, Dave thought so, and I thought just enough to say yes. And then, after he wrote out the check for $100 and handed it in to the farm, I thought a little more about this... What does 100 lbs of veggies ALL AT ONCE look like??? The share will be available for pick up right before Thanksgiving, and we need to take it all at once, so I'll be sure to take pictures and post them. I've also been thinking things like 'What will I(we) DO with 100lbs of mainly root vegetables', 'We don't have a root cellar, so how/where will 100lbs of vegetables be stored', and 'I wonder how much I can manage to give away to family over the Thanksgiving holiday'. These are all thoughts I should have had before I said yes to this $1 per pound vegetable overload. I also should have thought about this before I told David that yes, it was fine with me if he picked up 2 sacks of potatoes from the farm stand on rte 9 in Hadley...I just didn't think about the fact that 2 sacks=50 lbs.

Any suggestions for using potatoes are welcome. In fact, any suggestions at all for using 150 lbs of vegetables/storing 150 lbs of vegetables would also be welcome. In the meantime, I'll be researching ways to store everything, and wishing we'd purchased a home with a root cellar...

Oh yeah, and family members, if you're reading this, Dave and I will bring the sides for Thanksgiving dinners!!! Glad you all like vegetables!


  1. I've got nothing, I'm afraid, except to say I wouldn't have been able to pass up such a good deal either. I brought home 40 pounds of apples from Napa once. That month involved a lot of pie.

  2. Po-ta-to po-ta-to po-ta-to po-...

    Mashed, then freeze
    Twice-baked, then freeze
    Cut into fry shapes, then freeze (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandoline)
    Bake, stuff with stuff, then freeze (instant individual dinners!)
    Make soup, then freeze

    And invite me to dinner! (This is Courtney, btw...)

  3. Potato croquettes
    Block-print paintings
    Potato au gratin
    Stuffed potato skins (for football season)

  4. Ok, ok...so that I don't forget what I'm thinking..

    shepards pie
    potato-powered clock
    personalized, non-plastic version of mr. potatohead

  5. Having a little one I'm thinking a LOT of baby food...but that doesn't help you much. But along the same lines maybe puree and freeze for other future use? If you want small amounts ice cube trays are a perfect size.

  6. My nana in Chile used to make mashed potatoes then wrap them around a middle-finger size hunk of cheese in sort of a fist-football shape. Then she'd deep fry the sucker and serve it with a side salad. Hullo gooey, oozy lunch of delicious! I bet you could make a bunch and freeze'm right before the fry stage. You may want to make them a little thinner if you plan on dropping them straight outta the freezer into the hot oil.

  7. We had good luck last year burying our beets, carrots, and parsnips in buckets of sand and storing them in out insulated-but-unheated garage. Carrotts started sprouting in the spring but were still good roasted. We had beets into JUNE.



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