Mark Bittman, Mr. Supersmart

A friend alerted me to an article in the Dining and Wine section of the New York Times yesterday, entitled "101 Simple Salads for the Season". At first, I thought, eh, another list of salads. However, I could not have pulled together a more comprehensive, delicious-sounding, easy-to-make list of salads, even if I wasn't obligated to show up to my full-time job every day, so I'm sharing this article with everyone I can think of.

Who doesn't feel the need to make a new and interesting salad combination? We can't JUST eat greens + veggies + dressing, can we? NO! Mix the fruits with the vegetables! Make Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, cut them and use them as little croutons! (You are a genius, Mr. Bittman. Really.)

Read the article. You'll Have to sign in to the NY Times to gain access, but it's free. And worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Mark Bittman, the name sounds familiar...Is he the guy who was on Mario Batali's show "On The Road Again" in Spain with Gwenyth? I liked that show for the Spanish scenery and fun food samplings, but every time I put it on John made me mute it! He couldn't stand listening to the idle chatter of Mario and Gwenny and the bunch!



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